Customer Testimonials

“I am pleased to express my appreciation of WILL Technology, Inc.’s (WTI) successful contract performance and compliance of our Contract Closeout efforts. WTI worked with us to streamline the requirement, provided innovation and dedication throughout performance and I am pleased at the product you delivered.”

Mark Lumer

Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting (PARC)

“Areas of support were met in a timely manner; exceeding service requirements and surpassing performance expectations…overall the contract performance was exemplary”

K. Williams


“Performance would be rated outstanding to excellent … which is not an easy accomplishment in the Intel community which requires a minimum of xxxxx cleared personnel.”

G. Markham


“WILL Technology, Inc. executed the contract rapidly; performed superbly, and maintained constant professionalism …”



“The level of performance and professionalism displayed by WILL Technology, Inc. should be the standard for all contractors.”

B. Batts


“I would like to thank you and your staff for the expeditious support on our recent procurement of IBM Blade Center products and support. This procurement was time critical to the success of our program objective to provide increased support to the war fighter.”

Carl Lord

Principal Supply Chain Specialist, Raytheon

“I wish to extend my gratitude to WILL Technology, Inc. for its administrative and technical support to Computer Systems Technology (CST) and the Joint Center for Technology Integration (JCTI)”

Bunnie Scales

U.S. Army Space And Missile Defense Command

“I would like to commend WILL Technology, Incorporated (WTI) on its performance on the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense (USASMDC) Systems Engineering Technical Assistance Contract (SETAC).”

Laurence H. Burger, Director

Space and Missile Defense Battle Lab

“Staff has a great amount of institutional knowledge, require minimal supervision in fulfilling their duties and maintain excellent relationships with team members across the organization. Staff is always flexible and eagerly available to instruct based on USAWOCC battle rhythm. They have provided diligent and flawless instruction in the classroom and virtually during COVID 19! Ensured Soldiers received 100% at all times without sacrificing the level of instruction.”

CW3 Stephanie Walker

US Army Warrant Officer Career College (USAWOCC)

“The company exceeded our expectations during a very short phase-in period. WILL Technology, Inc. met staffing requirements within a four, business-day window. This was seamlessly accomplished with 90% of the incumbent personnel being hired and onboarded during this time—including the processing of payroll administration and security clearances. This was a huge achievement because it avoided a potential break in IT service delivery that would have affected the entire Garrison.”

Bernie Severance


“The level of immediacy that WILL Technology, Inc. placed in getting this contract staffed and onboarded over the course of a weekend to ensure the program did not incur major adverse impact across the Garrison during a very critical period is quite remarkable, to say the least. All positions were completely filled within the first week and all personnel hired are high performers who bring an exceptional amount of technical expertise that is critical to the Garrison IMO environment.”

Tiffani Migliore

Information Management Office, S6 Garrison Command